Flooring for education: Nurseries, Schools, Colleges, Universitites
What is the most important factor when looking at flooring for education requirements…? Durability or design, and can a combination be acheived.
Flooring in educational environments must above all else be safe, durable and able to handle high volumes of traffic. Usage in education settings also pose further challenges, including movement of chairs and table, spillages, and contaminants being trafficked from outside the building.
The chosen flooring must have the correct wear rating to suit the level of foot traffic, and be be easy to clean and have clear maintenance instructions.
Next, to move on to the design of flooring for education uses, the two important factors are providing a design that stimulates learning and creativity, and a design that works alongside the durability requirements of the flooring.
The design should incorporate sympathetic colours, and if possible patterns and flecks. This allows a minimal impact on the look of the flooring from the volume of traffic it is receiving.
When looking at flooring designs that stimulate creativity and learning, whilst important, this type of design should perhaps be limited to specific areas within the building, offering breakout areas and accents of colour and pattern withing the overall scheme.
Another important factor when dealing with flooring for education is the need to work with time constraints. The flooring will need to be completed on a tight timescale, without effecting the quality and manner in which the installation takes place.
Mazon Flooring have a wealth of experience in dealing with flooring for educational settings, and are happy to discuss your project requirements whatever the size. Please get in contact for an initial discussion.
Mazon Flooring can offer the below services:
– Carpet tiles of vinyl flooring for classrooms
– Replacement flooring for stairs and commercial stair nosing
– School hallway and communal area flooring
– School canteen safety floor and vinyl flooring
– Wood flooring for school halls
– wood floor and vinyl floor for gymnasiums and sports halls.
– repairs, sanding and sealing wood flooring and parquet flooring