Solid maple flooring installed to 600sqm at the Octagon Concert Hall
The Octagon Concert Hall at the Buxton Pavillion Gardens was one of our biggest project to date, providing many challenges. Mazon Flooring were chosen as the flooring contractor to install new Maple flooring to replicate the original flooring.
Our task was to install flooring in over 10 different directions within the one large area, while maintaining the integrity and performance of the flooring. The project required a specialist flooring contractor, with experience of installing flooring to large areas, confident in building expansion in to the main body of flooring. The main body of the work was completed and handed back to the main contractor within four weeks, and has been snag free since completion.
Projects of this size require a great deal of time and attention, with regular sire meetings before the job to ensure everything is planned and runs smoothly.
The finished results show the time and dedication put in by the team from Mazon Flooring, and the new floor will last a lifetime with consistent maintenance.